소개팅 외제차 하의면성인맛사지 청주싱글모임 함평군타이마사지 남영역만남후기 선유도역만남후기 현산면채팅 팔탄면만남후기 sm만화 조교 남친 노콘 개금동출장만남 석남역출장만남 매봉역타이마사지 부송동안마 정부청사역만남후기 TISE SCHOOL




상담 및 문의전화














TISE SCHOOL의 파워상식 입니다

홈 TISE 광장 파워상식
ۼ : 16-06-08 14:06
̱ 500 (A~F)
 ۾ : TISE
ȸ : 304  
   1.̱ 500 .hwp (40.5K) [1] DATE : 2016-06-08 14:06:26


A piece of cake. Ա.

Absolutely. !

After you. .

Always. ׻ ׷

Amazing. ϳ׿

And then? ׸¿?

Any good ideas?  ̶?

Any time. 󵵿

Anybody home? ־?

Anything else? ۿ ?

Are you in line? ٿ Ű?

Are you kidding? ° ƴ?

Are you serious? װ ¥?

At last.

Attention, please! ָ ּ

Awesome! Ϳ~



Back me up. ~ ( ޶ ǹ)

Be my guest.

Be patient. ݸ

Be punctual! ð !

Be right back with you. 񸸿 ( ſ ò)

Be seated.

Beat it. (ڸ)

(Beer), please. () ּ

Behave yourself. Ǹ ߽!

Better late than never. ϴϺ ʴ° .

Better than nothing. ٴ

Boy! It hurts. , ¥

Break it up. ׸ ο



Call me Sam, please. ̶ ҷ ּ

Can I get a ride? ¿ ־?

Can you hear me now? ?

Can't argue with that. װ

Can't be better than this. ̰ͺ

Cash or charge? ̿ ƴϸ ſī?

Catch you later. ߿ ڱ (Ȥ ߿ )

Certainly. Ȯ ׷..

Charge it please. ũ ī ּ.

Check it out. Ȯ

Check, please. 꼭 ּ

Cheer up! (Ȥ ȭ!)

Cheers! ǹ

(Coffee), please. (Ŀ) ּ

Come and get it. ͼ (ͼ Ծ)

Come on in. Ϳ

Come on. (Ȥ ~~)

Congratulations! մϴ

Could be. ׷

Couldn't be better than this. ̺




Delicious! ־

Depends. 쿡 ٸ

Did you get it? ˾ ?

Didn't I make myself clear? Ȯϰ ʾҳ? 

Disgusting! .

Do I know it? дϴ. ƴϷ?

Do I look all right? ?

Do you follow me? ˾ ھ?

Do you have everything with you? Ű??

Do you? ?

Doing okay? ϰ ־?

Dont get too serious. ʹ ɰϰ ׷ ƿ(ϰ ϼ)

Dont miss the boat. (Ʈ ġ) ȸ ġ

Dont press (push) your luck. ʹ (ʹ  ƿ)

Don't ask. ƿ

Don't be a chicken. ʹ ҽϰ ƿ (̸ )

Don't be afraid. η

Don't be foolish. ûϰ ƿ

Don't be modest. ƿ

Don't be shy. β

Don't be silly. ̰̰ ƿ

Don't bother. Ű澲

Don't bother me.  

Don't change the subject! ȭ ٸ

Don't get into trouble. (Stay out of trouble.)

Don't get upset. ʹ ȭ ƿ

Don't mess with me. ϰ غڴ ( Ժη )

Don't let me down. ǸŰ ƿ

Don't make me laugh.

Don't push me! ʹ ƿ

Don't push! ƿ.

Don't worry about it. ƿ

Drive safely! ϼ~~


Easy does it. õõ ؿ. ɽ ϼ(Ȥ ؿ. )

Either will do. (Anything will do.) ߿  ̵ ǿ ( ̵ ǿ)

Enjoy your meal. ְ 弼

Enough is enough. ϴϱ ׸ ؿ

Exactly. ٷ װ.

Excellent! (Super!) ¯!

Excuse me. Ƿմϴ



Far from it. ־

Fifty-fifty. 50:50 .

Follow me.

For good? ?

For what? ? ?

Forget it. װͿ ؼ ؾ . Ű沨.

ó: http://blog.daum.net/enature


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